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Jun 24, 2023

Dave talks about why adults with ADHD can experience burnout much faster than other people. In many cases it comes down to a few habits many with adult ADHD carry with them.

He talks about four causes of burnout in adults with ADHD and discusses some simple solutions to begin the process of not feeling so burned out.


Jun 21, 2023

What makes a great mentor for an adult with ADHD is somebody that "gets you." But oftentimes, adults with ADHD are misunderstood and our challenges are discounted. If you have decided that you would like to work with a mentor, Dave discusses a number of areas that a mentor should focus on with you.

While there is...

Jun 17, 2023

This episode is Part 2 of how ADHD is showing up in our lives.

This week we discuss how ADHD shows up in the workplace, our jobs and our careers. Dave is joined again by Dr. Fiona Peters a leading expert in neurodiversity from the UK. Dr. Fiona is back for round 2 with an awesome and engaging discussion.

Are you a busy...

Jun 15, 2023

Thriving with adult ADHD sometimes requires an additional support system. And one of the best ways to make breakthroughs in your personal and professional life is to find the right ADHD coach.

Working with an ADHD coach can be a powerful tool in lowering stress, avoiding burnout and overall enjoying life and career.


Jun 10, 2023

So you are an adult with ADHD. Or maybe you do not have an official ADHD diagnosis but suspect you may have ADHD.

While there are many signs of ADHD such as distractions, lack of focus, difficulty with routines and systems and time management, there are also signs of ADHD that we may not initially recognize.

Are you a...