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Aug 27, 2022

We can incorporate mindfulness into our busy ADHD lives in several ways. Mindfulness doesn't always mean meditation. It means that you can give something your full attention without being distracted. And it should help reduce your stress.

Can art help people with ADHD relax and increase their creativity?

This week we...

Aug 20, 2022

While there are many ways to manage and thrive with adult ADHD, one of the areas to focus on is choosing the right foods. By eliminating certain types of foods, we can begin to feel better and even develop more focus

On this episode of Dvercoming Distractions Dave sits down with Dana Kay, Founder of the ADHD Thrive...

Aug 17, 2022

Dave spends a few minutes talking about the power of routines regarding adult ADHD.

Having routines, especially in the morning, as well as those that guide us in the workplace can reduce our stress, promote increased productivity and efficiency, and ultimately reduce the contribution to burnout.

Dave talks about two...

Aug 13, 2022

Burnout can happen to everyone, including those with ADHD. Adults with ADHD can burn out much faster when faced with an unhealthy work environment. Burnout also occurs when those of us with ADHD are not in the right job.

ADHD career coach Shell Mendelson is on the podcast this week talking about what causes employees...

Aug 10, 2022

One trait that many with adults with ADHD are good at is making assumptions. However in most cases, those assumptions are about negative outcomes of various situations. We assume that when our boss or client calls a meeting or calls us, it's to discuss a negative situation or to speak with us about a job that was...